Know Before You Go – The Amazon

By Allie E. Almario At Premier Tours, our top Amazon destinations are in Peru and in Ecuador. We’ve gathered some insider’s intel so that you can decide on the perfect itinerary – how long to stay, how to choose between a land-based lodge versus a cruise tour, and when to go to...

How To Plan Your Dream Trip To The Amazon

By Allie E. Almario A popular destination for adventure travelers is the Amazon rainforest, which occupies a huge swath of South America (nine countries) and offers some of the most exciting wildlife viewing opportunities in the world.  On a daily basis, you may find...

Top Five Peru Destinations For Kids

By Allie E. Almario One of the most popular family destinations in South America is Peru. With so many iconic landmarks in this beautiful country, it’s no wonder that multi-generational families are choosing to travel here.  Lima, Peru is just a five-hour flight from Miami and...

What To Pack For The Amazon

By Allie Almario The Amazon region covers about 40% of the entire continent of South America. For many travelers, the opportunity to explore the rich bio-diversity of the rainforest is not to be missed. In fact, according to the World Wildlife Fund, there are at least 40,000...